I’m living in a small, very cozy wooden cabin on the hillside of a mountain.
“In the valley” is a huge lake called Kootenay Lake, up on the mountain in the middle of the forest is a small one, Loon Lake. Both of them have their own beauty, the big one is more majestic and friendly, the small one is very natural, still and calming.
To me it seems like the mountain we live on has its own “life”. At first, our village doesn’t have its name “Ainsworth Hot Springs” out of nowhere. Water is coming
out of the mountain that has a temperature of 45 degrees. And that happens not just somewhere in the forest between moss and trees but in dripstone caves! There is a resort, like a public pool so
you can swim into these caves and sit in a natural sauna. That’s just so cool!
And the other thing about the mountain is that from time to time the rock breaks. There is an old rock avalanche field on our property, about a year ago the road
that leads up to Loon Lake has broken in because there was a big cave underneath it and only about a week ago a rock broke out of the cliff next to the highway, fell down and took away half of
the road.
All the mountains around are covered with forest. Deep green rainforest with lots of moss, many streams and creeks and even a few waterfalls. We have been to one of
them a couple of days ago and it’s so beautiful. It’s a cool feeling to stand next to such a big, high waterfall, it makes me feel very small and unimportant.
And then, of course there is wildlife in these forests. They have coyotes, cougars, black bears and even grizzly bears around here. I haven’t seen a bear, yet, but I
know that they have been right next to the house in the night (bear poo and so). But I have seen a coyote. First I thought it’s a fox, then I thought it’s a wolf because coyotes really look like
a mix of these two.
I really love this landscape, this nature, it’s so wild! I have to say I had some expectations before I came to Canada but none of them is let down! I came here
because of the nature and now that I’m here I love it so much!
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