
Oh man, I’ve been wanting to write this text for so long now. But I just didn’t know how to start, didn’t know what to write...
Obviously this is going to be about my view on riding horses. But do I even have an opinion? I mean of course I do, but I don’t know it I guess. I’m still figuring out what I think about this topic and my thoughts are changing all the time.
And it’s not as if I knew it now but I have a better idea of what I think. Even though it’s no fixed opinion. And I like to write it down so that maybe I can look back and see my process. See my view on this topic change.

Well, where to begin now? Maybe here: why do I even ask the question if one should ride horses /if I want to ride horses? I mean, everybody does it, it’s the most normal thing! That’s what you do with a horse, you ride it. At least that’s what people say. That’s what people think. But a horse is an animal, a living creature, an individuum. Just like a dog or a cat or you or your mother or your friend or the king of China. And do we think about climbing on their back and ride them? No. Why do people do it with horses? I know why. It’s fun. Feeling the horse move underneath you or feel the wind in your face when you gallop along an open field. Even just working in an arena, it’s fun. It feels good.

But: does it feel good for the horse, too? Is it fun for the horse, too? Are the horses okay with that we ride them? Do they want it, too? For me, that is the real question. The original question.

I have seen many horses that don’t like to be ridden. People say some horses do like it. And I really want to believe that. But I haven’t seen many. I have seen lots who accept a rider on their back but accepting it doesn’t mean they like it.
I like riding a lot and when all horses would like it as well I wouldn’t think about this topic. But to ride a horse that doesn’t want to be ridden... it is using the horse. Abusing the horse.

We take advantage of them, of their nice characters that they carry us even though there is nothing in it for them. We take advantage of their fear and suppress them so that it seems like they accept it but in reality they are just too afraid to try to escape the situation or to speak up.
Of course these might be extreme examples but I think in most situations this is existing to a small degree.

So that leads me to the point that I think riding is not okay. We use the horses body. And that is like slavery, isn’t it? The horses become our slaves. And I’m sure everyone will agree with me that slavery is not okay.

But then I know that there are horses that are really okay with being ridden. That like to carry a human on their back. Horses that enjoy it, that think it’s fun.
And this is where I would say riding is okay.
But ONLY then!
When both rider AND horse want it.

I think we often think our horses like it but we don’t see that in reality they don’t. So many horses walk away from the mounting block or don’t want to take the bit or whatever. And let’s be honest, horses are not stupid. They are not just impatient, they walk away because they know we are going to climb on their back. And they don’t want it.
I think when we want to ride a horse we need to ask for their permission. For their consent. And we need to be willing to accept a no. Truly accept it. Because only then a yes will mean yes.
I know that’s hard. Because we might not want to hear a no. But is it really as much fun to ride when you know your forcing your horse? For me it’s not.

For me it sometimes takes a lot of self control to not take advantage of the horse to not ignore their no. But I know why I don’t want to do it and that makes it easier. Having a reason always makes things easier.

Who am I that I think I’m allowed to judge if riding is okay? I guess it’s not in my business what other people do with their horses.
But thinking about it and creating my own opinion is allowed. And when I see that someone is suffering I will not stand back and watch because it’s none of my business but I will state my opinion on it. I don’t interfere, i just say what I think.
And with this text I don’t mean to make everyone stop riding their horses. I just want to show you my view on it and maybe that will lead you to overthink what you do? Or maybe not. That’s okay, too.

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