Half A Year

It has been the 14th of March a couple of days ago.


I left home on September 14th.


That means that I’m on this journey since 6 month already. That’s half a year! Half of a whole year. What an incredible long time..

I started without knowing how long I’ll be away and where I’ll go and what it will be like. I still don’t know what it will have been like in the end but now I’m at the point where I’m planning out all the rest of my travels. Booking flights all the way home. Still quite a bit ahead but I can “see the end” now.

It’s a bit confusing, time is such a weird thing.
Some things really feel that long ago. But others really don’t.
In the beginning I missed everyone from home like “it would be nice to see them again”. But by now the time without you guys is becoming really long and I REALLY miss you all. I miss home. I miss little things like the traffic lights down the road, like opening and closing the gate at the bottom of our driveway or like that one specific sharp knife at home. And I miss the people. Yep, when you are reading this, I miss you too.
Being away from home really makes me appreciate what I had but also what I have right now.
I am missing all this but at the same time I have such a great time here. I looked through my photos to decide which one to use for this post and I realized how much has happened again since I last put up an update. I experience so much, it’s almost unbelievable. I mean, half a year, that’s such a long time.

I don’t really know where I want to go with this text.. Just sharing my thoughts. Half a year, wow. I’m a bit overwhelmed by that.

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