You can nothing. You are nothing. You have no abilities, no compétences, no skills, no knowledge. You don't know anything, really. You are not special, you don't look handsome. You can't do
anything nobody else can. You can nothing, you are nothing, you're no good for nothing.
Your "worth" is like 0. Zero. Null. Niente.
Or worse: You break everything. You bring destruction and pain. You're superfluous, you're a burden. You destroy and pollute, downgrade and impair everything you touch.
Your worth is like less than 0. It's at minus range.
You bring no good, you are not right. Only wrong. Wrong and bad in everything you are.
Hey, it's me. You. I am you. You are me. And I sit down with you. Down there. In this black place. Black. Black is not even a description, so dark is this place. So hopeless.
I sit down with you.
It's me. You.
And I believe you. So you are all of that. All the rubbish. Scum. Useless. No good for nothing. Okay. I believe you.
And I sit down here with you.
We sit here together.
And you know what?
I love you.
Yes, honestly. Believe me. I love you.
There's so much love in me. For you. For you no-good. For you nothing.
I love you nevertheless.
You can nothing. Okay.
You are nothing. Okay.
You bring no good. Okay. You're wrong and bad. Okay.
And I take you like that. Right like that. Cause you are still you.
And I love you.
Dear me,
That I love you doesn't depend on your worth.
I love you even when you are worth nothing.
Even then I love you, even then I am with you.
I promise.
Dear me,
Your worth doesn't depend on what you can. What you know. What you do or what you want.
Your worth doesn't depend on how far you've come or where you're at.
Your worth doesn't depend on who you are.
Even when you are nothing, when you are wrong, bad and broken, I am with you. And I don't love you any less.
I don't write this because I know I'll need it one day. No.
I write this, because that's how it is. Because it is the truth.
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